Privacy Statement

First things first – your privacy is important to us. We know that’s the kind of thing all these sorts of notices say, but frankly we mean it. You’ve placed your trust in us by using the Saffroncasa services and we value that trust. That means we’re committed to protecting and safeguarding any personal data you give us. We act in our customers’ interest and we are transparent about the processing of your personal data.

This document describes how we use and process your personal data, hopefully provided in a readable and transparent manner so you can get where we’re coming from without getting bored senseless. As an added bonus, it also tells you how to contact us if you have questions about your personal data, which we’re more than happy to answer. Please also read our separate Cookie Statement, which tells you how saffroncasa makes use of cookies and other similar technologies. For a better understanding of what we mean by “Trip”, “Trip Provider”, “Trip Service” and “Trip Reservation”, please read the saffroncasa Terms and Conditions.

If you’ve ever used us before, you’ll know that saffroncasa offers online travel-related services through our own websites and mobile apps, as well as through other online platforms such as partners’ websites and social media. Why point that out, you ask? Well, here’s the thing. All the information that follows applies to not one, not two, but all of these platforms. Several platforms, one privacy statement.

We might amend the Privacy Statement from time to time. If you care about your privacy, visit this page regularly and you’ll know exactly where you stand. If we make changes to the Privacy Statement which will have an impact on you (for example, if we intend to process your personal data for other purposes than communicated in the past in this Privacy Statement), we will notify you of these changes before the new activities begin.

Sad but necessary bit: If you disagree with this Privacy Statement, you should discontinue using our services. If you agree with our Privacy Statement, then you’re all set to book your next Trip through us. Let the good times roll!